Abuse Prevention Policy GASC has a zero tolerance for abuse in all ages, programs and club activities. It is the responsibility of every coach, volunteer, parent and player to participate in the effort to create a safe environment for all sports participants.

Coach Code of Conduct All members of the GASC coaching staff are role models and ambassadors for the club and are held to expectations that reflect the values of our organization.

Concussion PolicyGreenfield Area Soccer Club recognizes the potential danger and long-term health consequences of this often difficult to diagnose for of traumatic brain injury. Per Indiana Law, all recreational and competitive coaches have to complete a concussion training module and have a certificate of completion on file with their coaches gotsoccer account.

Conflict Resolution Policy GASC is committed to promoting a healthy and positive environment for all participants. This policy is to provide adequate support, maintain a healthy environment, and outline expectations for when a conflict or problem may arise.

Parents Code of Conduct GASC believes that the attitude shown by parents toward the coaches, the referees, fellow parents, the opposing players are of paramount importance, and we expect the highest standards of courtesy, sportsmanship and positive behavior among our parents, their players and families at all times.

Player Code of Conduct Acceptance of membership by GASC is a privilege that carries certain responsibilities. As a GASC Youth Player you are representing our club at all times.

Player, Parent, and Coach Expectations GASC expects the highest standards for the players, parents, and coaches to get the most out of your time with GASC

Refund Policy Acceptance or registration on a GASC youth team confirms a players commitment to the team, the club, and the fees associated with membership for a full year or season depending on the program. GASC will review request for an adjustment to club fees in accordance with this policy.

Zero Tolerance Policy All individuals responsible for a team and all spectators shall support the referee. Failure to do so will undermine the referee's authority and has the potential of creating a hostile environment for the players, the referee, and all the other participants and spectators.
