What Equipment is available?

Soccer balls (sizes 3, 4 and 5), mesh ball bags, cones, and scrimmage vests (adult and youth sizes) are available for coaches to borrow from DOC.

Where is the equipment?

The equipment is located in the equipment room on the back of the concession stand


How do I sign out the equipment?

Please make one of the pick up dates for distribution. There is a white binder on the shelves with the equipment. Please fill out the “GASC Equipment Disbursement and Receipt” form in detail to provide your contact information and to show what equipment you are borrowing. If special arrangements are needed for pick up, please contact Neal Singco ([email protected]) but otherwise please make one of the many pick up times. A blast email will be sent to coaches after the coaches meeting to inform coaches of pick up times.


How much equipment should I get?

A typical team may use one mesh bag, 12 cones, 2-5 soccer balls (depending on the age group), and either one scrimmage vest for the goalie or scrimmage vests for half of the team. Please borrow only as much equipment as you need. Typically there will be age group bags made up.


What size soccer balls do I need?

There is a sign posted on the shelves where the equipment is stored that lists the ball sizes and other relevant information.
U4-U8 size 3 ball, U10-U12 size 4 ball and middle school size 5 ball.


What if the equipment that I need is not available?

In the same white binder on the shelves with the equipment, please fill out the “GASC Equipment Request” form or contact DOC Neal Singco ([email protected]).

How do I return the equipment?

Please return items back at the equipment room. Please find your initial entry on the “GASC Equipment Disbursement and Receipt” form and fill in the “Date Returned” and “List Missing or Damaged Equipment” columns.


When should I return the equipment?

All equipment needs to be returned on the last day of the season. For special arrangements for drop off contact DOC Neal Singco ([email protected]). If you are coaching the fall season only, please return equipment at the end of the fall season. If you are coaching both fall and spring seasons, or the spring season only, please return the equipment at the end of the spring season.